Vladislav Mineev

Baroque music has been a prominent and beloved genre of music for centuries that has withstood the tests of time. Composers such as Bach, Vivaldi, and Marcello shaped the sound of this era with their masterpieces. It is incredible to see how modern instruments and playing styles can transform and breathe new life into it. One instrument that has become beloved in this realm of music is the saxophone. It offers a unique sound that enhances the legacies of Bach, Vivaldi, and Marcello. As we continue to explore the depths of classical music, these new interpretations help us to appreciate the classics in innovative ways.
Meet Vladislav Mineev!
He is a classically trained saxophonist from Moscow, Russia. Vladislav started performing on stage saxophone at the age of thirteen. He has won several awards, performed with symphony orchestras throught Russia, and enjoys arranging music for saxophone. He was on tour in Galveston-. Roatan, Costa-Maya, Cozumel in March 2023. He performed a concert of such arrangements, which included works by Bach, Vivaldi, and Marcello. Accompanied by pianist Anna Kislitsyna. Mineev showcased the versatility and expressive potential of the saxophone in the Baroque style.
The success of such arrangements largely depends on the sensitivity and skill of the performer. Vladislav Mineev demonstrated technical skill, and his interpretation of the works allowed him to convey the nuances and dynamics of the original works.
For example, in Vivaldi's D Minor Concerto, it is not easy for the saxophone to convey the mobility and brightness of the solo violin. The design of the rapidly developing third movement was especially difficult for the saxophone, but Mineev managed to preserve the clarity and accuracy of the work by enriching it with new timbral nuances. There were moments where the arrangement​ especially successfully highlighted the saxophone’s rich, velvety tone.

In Marcello’s Adagio from his Oboe Concerto in D minor, the saxophone brought a mournful, romantic quality to the piece, complemented perfectly by Kislitsyna’s delicate piano accompaniment. In Vivaldi's "Four Seasons," Mineev's arrangement brings out the warmth and vibrancy of the solo violin part. The timbre of the saxophone creates a different atmosphere, with the performer able to produce a wide range of colors and tones. With the support of the piano, the music sounds complete, with the saxophone weaving in and out of the melody. Performing of Bach's "Concerto in G Minor", Mineev creates an intimate and gentle, then playful and cheerful sound, revealing the beauty of each part.​ The saxophone's agility and speed enable the performer to play the fast runs and difficult passages with ease.​ Performances becomes a thrilling and virtuosic work. The saxophone and the piano interact organically, resulting in a fresh and thrilling experience for the listener.
In conclusion, Vladislav Mineev's arrangements of Bach, Vivaldi, and Marcello for saxophone and piano is a fresh and innovative take that shows the versatility of the saxophone and its potential to interpret not only jazz music but also classical music. Mineev's arrangements sound natural and effortless, and they bring out the beauty of each work in a new and exciting way. Overall, it was an unforgettable performance that left the audience thoroughly satisfied and inspired. Vladislav's talent and enthusiasm for the music were truly inspiring and it is clear that he has a bright future in the world of classical music.

Anna Brown