Poetic Children's book as a treasure box
Tanya Kuznetsova
Tanya Kuznetsova is a Russian-born children’s author and illustrator. In her works of art, she reveals a distinct cross-cultural aesthetic influenced by her studies of illustration in Russia, Sweden, and the Czech Republic. An educational stance of gentle questioning, curiosity, and discovery is woven into her works from more recent conceptual studies into children’s literature in Scotland. This combination of artistic craftsmanship and pedagogical thought makes her works relevant to a wide audience. She has published several books for children, the most popular of which are: 1, 2, 3 Clic!, Potato Dog, and How Many Crocodiles Do You Want?
Tanya belongs to a young generation of book art professionals who continue the tradition of famous American authors and illustrators such as Maurice Sendak and Tomie de Paola, who paid great attention to the construction of the book and storytelling.
It seems that the interaction between the text and illustrations plays a significant role in Tanya’s books. In her book "Animal Stories," the originally engraved typeface cooperates with the illustrations through color and uneven shape. This cooperation creates the entire structure of the book and helps the readers immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the story.

Tanya Kuznetsova's storytelling is accessible, written in a way that becomes immersive and familiar to young readers. For adults,
it offers the simplicity of everyday life and conveys the beauty of observation through the eyes of animals. For example, there is Misha, a little bear from the book 1, 2, 3 Clic!, who looks around and learns to count simple objects, or a strange vegetarian crocodile who wants to have friends. These stories allow children to see the similarities with the characters and, therefore, teach them empathy.
The artist has a special ability to create warmth through the illustrations. It has its own language. The visual repertoire of the stories defies current publishing trends. The art provides a meditative space for small treasures to unfold. By using only a few colors in the illustrations, she creates a contrast between the character and the background, highlighting the main character’s emotions.
In these silent roads of her visual poetry, there is care for heartfelt expression beyond the obvious. Walking the dog becomes an intimate journey to wonder and be in awe of the forgotten details of strolling. Animals guide us to connect with our emotions.
Every page offers gentle gestures of care and coziness. These subtleties invite us to be in the moment while wandering off into our childhood memories.

Rachel Brown